Employment statistics provided by ALP – Association of Labour Providers

The latest ONS Labour Market Overview reported:

  • 3.8% or 1.29 million people were unemployed; 23% have been unemployed for more than 12 months and a 0.1% increase on previous quarter
  • Employment rate increased slightly to 75.8%
  • 8.79 million people are economically inactive, 153,000 lower than the last quarter driven by 16 to 24 year olds
  • Economically inactive is still nearly half a million higher than pre-pandemic levels, of which 590,000 are classified as long term sick but want to have a job
  • Vacancies fell again to 1.10 million, the ninth consecutive quarterly fall. The number of unemployed people per vacancy was slightly up at 1.2 due to the decrease in vacancies
  • Record level of payrolled employees at 30 million, up 533,000 over the 12-month period
  • Growth in total pay was 5.9% and regular pay was 6.6% and they fell in real terms by 3% and 2.3% respectively. This is one of the largest falls since 2001
  • 5.9 million people were claiming Universal Credit, of which 1.44 million were searching for work
  • Redundancies rose again to 3.2 per thousand employees and remains low